Fourth year graduates share their experiences…

Zubeida – Quran truly touches the heart. Tears flow when listening to the verses, as if it was specifically written for you. This journey kept me in awe until the end Alghamdulillaah. May Allah grant us to continue this amazing journey, Aameen.

Feiruz Fataar – Learning the translation of Quran has had an immense impact on my heart and soul. I have come to understand that this Noble book is truly The Criterion by which to live by, The light to guide one during darkness, and the Reminder of Allah’s Magnificence and `mercy. There is still so much to learn, but already when I take action, speak or advise, I seek guidance first and foremost from the Quran and Sunnah. I humbly thank Allah SWT for granting me this opportunity. It has given me understanding, direction and certainty. Alghamdullilah, it has strengthened my emaan and that of my family. May Allah grant us more time to learn His Beautiful words of Guidance, and grant everyone this opportunity. Ameen.

HB age 40 – what a privilege and honour this has been. Knowing that Allah chose me to learn about and understand His holy book. I am finally realising who Allah is, and how Great Allah is. I am but a weak weak slave, I’ve made so many terrible mistakes along the way, yet Allah kept calling me back! He allowed me to be part of this amazing journey & He keeps being merciful no matter how imperfect I am.  That, my dear sisters, is Love.  Being here has lifted the veil from my eyes, it has enabled me to embrace the truth and it made me realise how truly truly blessed I am. I knew nothing before this, and I still have so much to learn. Dear sisters, don’t ever stop seeking knowledge. Don’t ever loose hope in the mercy of Allah. And don’t ever doubt that Allah loves you.

Gadija Age 55– On my journey through Quran some of the lessons I learnt is that whatever test you are faced with, to seek Allah’s assistance through patience and prayer. As well as to overlook, forgive, and entrust your affairs with Allah.

Zeibunesha Motlekar M– I live by “inna lilaahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon”. It has quite a vast meaning but it holds dear to me…as we are drawing closer to meeting our Rabb every day. Then also ‘Astaghfirullah’ so as we are preparing we therefore ask for forgiveness all the time.And lastly calling onto the 99 names of Allah. Subhanallah, it carries so much weight in my personal experiences. Shukran.

Ghatoon –my journey through the glorious Quran has been most amazing in that the Quran has awakened emotions that I wasn’t even aware of. I still have far to go but the yearning to learn more has only been ignited.

LA age 32– Iv studied at university for 6 years but nothing comes close to what I’ve experienced in just one of my Quran classes….and Allah SWT has blessed me with 4 years of Quran, subhanallah. The difference was that my education impacted my mind, but Quran,Quran impacted and changed my heart. Every lesson was sweeter than the one before. Being the 2nd youngest in my class, my fellow sisters always told me how lucky I am to be learning about Islam at my age as most of my classmates are 40yrs and up. I too considered myself lucky until I realized that this was not luck, nor coincidence, it was only through the mercy of Allah SWT. I am forever grateful to Allah SWT, as I am able to try and implement Quran in my kid’s lives from a young age already. May Allah SWT grant all my dear sisters this opportunity to taste the sweetness of studying the Quran and for those who started, let this only be our beginning in shaa Allah for I am still a weak slave.

KarimaPalekar -How does one express 4 years of the best part of your 67 years studying the Quran. In all the years that I used to recite the Quran, it has ever been so profoundly clear to me than when I had to study the verses for a test. That to me was definitely the highlight of my time spent at DNLU. And I especially loved the special dua ml Fadwa would make for us as a reward for being so brave to answer a question on our own. May Allah grant us never to loose that intense love we all had when we started, Ameen, May Allah always guide us and keep us connected through Quran, this path of bliss.

Sumaya Essack – if He brought you to it, He will get you through it.

Sheefa – My journey though Quran. I have actually fallen in love with the Quran. Each time we covered a surah I would say, “that’s my favourite surah”. And it’s an amazing feeling knowing that you partially understand the verses. It has also brought me closer to my Allah, Alghamdullilah.

Mehrunisa Parker – 4 years ago I attended a qiyaamul layl programme. When I heard how beautifully the teacher recited and translated the verses of Quran, it really shook me. Although I heard this verse many time s before, it was explained in more detail and immediately in my heart I felt that now I want to know even more since one verse touched my heart so immensely. The verse was from surah Qamar, “And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, So is there any who will remember??” `these 4 years have been the best of my life. Remember, you are never too old to learn!

Faldeelah Hendricks- The most important lesson I learnt from the tafseer of the Quran: why we were created. Not only to make Salaah to Allah, but to be of benefit to Allah’s creation and through this build strong family ties. `Taking lessons home and relating to my family has made us more tolerant of others, knowing how different we were all created and Allah’s command to understand and embrace our differences.  This life is but an illusion and Aaghierah is our actual reward. May Allah accept our efforts to be the most humbled of slaves & grant us all Jannatul Firdous, Ameen.

Nadeema – Honestly, I don’t know what to say. Each of our reasons were different when we started 4 years ago. For me it was a feeling of insecurity, always wanting to belong, always searching but never content. Until I started Quran. It was getting rid of all ideas / convictions. `Quran strips you of all of that, only then does the journey really start. `I pray that this ghaatam is the beginning of many to come. May Allah accept from us in shaaAllah.

Hajiera – I found when on this journey of going through every word of the Quran that it contains all the answers on how we as believers should go though our life and deal with the challengers we are faced with. Allah has made it so easy for us by presenting us with this miracle. Alhamdullilah.

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March 13, 2025

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Out of concern for a particular mother who longed to understand the Quran in Arabic but was not able to study it full-time, Qamar Institute, a part time Arabic and Islamic studies institution, was born.

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