Ahlul Badr

On a cold night in Ramadaan, a brave 313 Sahabah united for the battle of Badr, their unity along with Allah’s divine assistance has echoed through the ages and inspired the Ummah to rise again and again. Similarly, we (five organisations) have come together in the service of Allah’s Deen, eager to strive against the social ills and challenges of our time.

It is our intention to draw Allah’s divine assistance through this collaboration, and to be increasingly effective in serving those in need. Alhamdulillah, each year our impact has grown and with your support, keeps increasing in benefit to others.

Over the last 12 months, your contributions have:

• Provided over 80 000 meals
• Distributed 5000 Qur’ans
• Supported 800 orphans and vulnerable children in various communities (46 of these children live in Child Headed Homes without parental support)
• Clothed 200 Orphans and Vulnerable children for Eid
• Supported 83 students of Deen
• Empowered 300 mothers with Islamic parenting skills
• Educated 350 ladies to understand the Quran
• Secured employment for 72 people

When you support the Ahlul Badr, your contribution sees to the emotional, financial, mental, physical and spiritual needs of our Ummah. Your contribution makes a difference, be part of the solution.

Meet the Ahlul Badr

1. Transformation Through Revelation (TTR)

TTR Produces Students of Quran who memorize the Quran, study its language and transform their lives because of its meanings.

TTR offers a program that has been designed with the primary objective of using the Book of Allah, the Quran, as a means of transformation. Transformation for us as a team, our students, as well as their parents.

We believe that transformation on all of these levels collectively will, insha-Allah, naturally result in the transformation of our communities and the future generations. Aameen.

At TTR students will memorize the book of Allah, study its language and learn to contextualize its teachings in a way that they can confidently implement it within their lives.

TTR also offers a unique afternoon program designed specifically for the younger generation (between the ages of 5 and 12 years old) so that their basics of Islam can be solidified from these tender ages already.

Contact Information

Address: 18 Noble Circle, Ottery east, Cape Town 7941
WhatsApp: +27 66 248 3678
Email: t.t.r.institution@gmail.com

Social Media Pages

2. Qamar Institute

Qamar Institute believes in educating the mother as a means of educating our Ummah, and the world at large. We have thus designed our course to suit the needs of mothers or busy women specifically, so that they may also have the opportunity to learn to understand the meanings of Allah’s Book as they recite it in Arabic. After completing the entire Quran (with understanding) our students are also given the opportunity to further their Islamic studies with us, attaining a grounded and well-rounded understanding of Islam. Our institution started with one class of 55 women, receiving 3 lessons a week. Today, 14 years later, we have grown to delivering 27 lessons, weekly, between 14 Teachers, nurturing and guiding 350 women at a time, from around the globe, Alhamdulillah.

Contact Information

Address: 38 Stegman Road, Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa
Contact / WhatsApp No: +27767028936
Email Address: qamar.institute@gmail.com
Website: www.qamar.co.za

Social Media Pages

3. Youth Mastery

Youth mastery is an organization that produces happier, healthier and more responsible youth through our life coaching, mentorship and leadership development programs. Our programs are designed to assist youth in getting the most out of whatever it is they do and to lay the foundation for top results and achievements in any field. We focus on the mindset, thinking, values and determination of our youth and provide them with a positive, healthy environment and supportive mentors.

Our Services include our Youth Leadership Development Program, which consists of:
⦁ Skills development activities
⦁ Outdoor and recreation programs
⦁ Spiritual retreats
⦁ Youth camps, and and youth mentorship for youth and parents (both in person as well as online).more

We also offer one on one life coaching

Contact Information

Address: 18 Noble Circle, Ottery east, Cape Town, South Africa
Contact / WhatsApp number: +27 64 908 0022
Email Address: Info@youthmastery.co.za

Social Media Pages

4. Jannah Training

In response to women who have expressed their longing to see their children walk the path to Jannah, but have no clue where or how to begin, Jannah Training was born. It is a unique series of interactive workshops which aim to equip women with the practical tools needed to prepare their children to walk the path to Jannah – by themselves.
Jannah Training has been inspired by the many women wanting to impart the knowledge, teachings, and beauty of Islam to their children, in a way that will make them fall in love with their Creator, their Messenger (SAW) and their Deen (Islam). Our workshops have traveled to various parts of South Africa, and have been run online as well, catering for women from across the globe, by the permission of Allah.

Contact Information
Call / WhatsApp: +27 72 3791858
Email: Jannahtraining@gmail.com
Web page: qamar.co.za/jannah-training/

Social Media Pages

Quick About

Out of concern for a particular mother who longed to understand the Quran in Arabic but was not able to study it full-time, Qamar Institute, a part time Arabic and Islamic studies institution, was born.

Jannah Training

In response to women who have expressed their longing to see their children walk the path to Jannah, but have no clue where or how to begin, Jannah Training was born

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