“Every child is born with a natural inclination towards Allah, but it is the parents who convert them to…”
Prophet Mohammad (SAW) – Bukhari
In response to women who have expressed their longing to see their children walk the path to Jannah, but have no clue where or how to begin, Jannah Training was born. It is a special, interactive program aiming to equip women with the practical tools needed to prepare their children to walk the path to Jannah – by themselves. Aameen.
Jannah Training started during the year 2016, producing two workshops, each with a different focus.
Initially, focussing on laying the foundation as far as maintaining the “Fitrah” (pure Eemaan) of the child is concerned, then later on focussing on the fruits that come from the strong Eemaan that has been nurtured and maintained.
This year we are pleased to announce the release of our third Jannah Training workshop – Children in the Mould of the Messenger ﷺ – which will have a strong focus on sharing some very easy and practical tools which can be used to aid our children in developing their love for Muhammad ﷺ and following him closely, insha-Allah.
Earlier this year we had the privilege of presenting these workshops in the beautiful cities of Durban and Cape Town. Next up, the city of Johannesburg, followed by a completely online run of both workshops, as requested by our sisters outside of South Africa. Details below.
• 18 and 19 November 2023
• Randjesfontein, Midrand (In-person workshop)
• 9am – 12.45pm each day
• R400 per day or both for R700 (discounted fee applies when registering for both days)
• Workshop includes refreshments and materials
• Limited Spaces
• 25 and 26 November 2023
• Interactive workshop (via Zoom)
• 9am – 12.45pm SAST
• R400 per day or both for R700 (discounted fee applies when registering for both days)
• Notes sent via email
• Limited Spaces
Who should attend?
All Mothers of younger children, Grandmothers, Preschool / Primary School Teachers, Madrassah Teachers, Hifth Teachers, Babysitters, Aunts or any other women wanting to create a better environment for children whilst enabling them to be able to walk the path to Jannah, by themselves. InshaAllah.
For more information, to sponsor a struggling mother or to apply for sponsorship for a struggling mother/teacher, please contact us on +27 72 379 1858 or jannahtraining@gmail.
You are also welcomed to follow us on our Qamar Instagram, Facebook or YouTube channels in order to receive updates. Links to these pages can be found below.
May Allah accept all of our efforts and sacrifices and use us, collectively, to raise a new kind of Ummah… one that will be able to resist the temptations of this world, and only become stronger as time progresses. Aameen.