Understanding Quran in Arabic Course:
Understanding Quran in Arabic 4th year
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Understanding Quran in Arabic 4th year
This course serves as the final year offered in relation to equipping women with the tools needed to be able to understand the Quran as they read it in Arabic.
It is a year of consolidation and revision, and all remaining Surahs (chapters of Quran) are completed.
It is also the year during which women realise the strong bonds that have been forged over all four years of the course, between students and teachers alike; bonds based on a common love for Allah’s Book.
Students are graduated and receive certificates according to their level of participation in the course.
They leave with new friendships, a greater appreciation for Islam, an improved world view, and most importantly, the ability to read Quran in it’s language of revelation with understanding (by the permission of Allah).
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